Reiki Session

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes sleep and healing.

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Energy Readings

Let's tap into your frequency and see what is happening in your emotional body and energy body to create your outer experience! This powerful technique will dive deep into your life, past the stories and traumas to find how they are still effecting your life.

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Shamanic Reiki Session

Bringing two powerful ways of healing together in one session to enhance your healing journey.

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Reiki Renewal Session

If you have been initiated into Reiki but need a refresher, feel blocked or you feel called to start using it again but are not sure where to begin. Then this personalized training session is for you!

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Spirit Talks, Spiritual Guidance

Let's talk. Sometimes just being heard and releasing the chains of the emotion is the start of your healing journey.

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Oracle Guidance

Feeling Stuck? Looking for a little mystical advice? Let's see what the cards have to say! In person or online

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Crystal Energy Therapy

Wrap yourself in the warm vibration of crystals and rocks, to enhance your healing experience! Every Crystal Grid is unique and individual to what you need in the moment!

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Wax Healing "Strakh Vylyvaty"

Ukrainian folk healers or Ukrainian Shamans have a very powerful healing ceremony using blessed water and beeswax.

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