Wax Healing "Strakh Vylyvaty"

 It is believed that when there is an imbalance of the energy body, or emotional body it affects physical health, emotions become unbalanced and the person suffers. Then when this imbalance settles into the person, aspects of their life also start to suffer. Such as troubles with work, declining job performance, loss of job, school work suffers/grades drop, relationship difficulties, financial difficulties and so on. We now know more about our energy body, aura, chakras and understand how this imbalance can cause health issues.

The "pouring forth of fear" healing ceremony (strakh vylyvaty), helps to extract the fears and the root cause of illness in a person. Often, additional messages arise from images in the wax, your guides, angels or deceased loved ones, and we discuss those as well.

In person or distant sessions available

Must Contact me for price and details